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A member registered Jun 08, 2022

Recent community posts

this is more like a demo than a game.

bad game

Will the game get new scenes?


no. this game has been in development hell for years

the game's ending doesn't work. it's all "loading image error"

this game is bugged. you can give someone EXACTLY what they want and they'll still say it's wrong.

yes it is animated or it isn't animated?

are the animations going to be updated any time?

neat game

is tigress not animated yet?

no new animations.


they said would be released soon a month ago :(

audio is very buggy


Animal Crossing?

there literally IS.

horribly optimized

For anyone wondering about the Axe power up. you can only obtain it in the full version of the game, not the demo.

anything new in the update?

wow this game is terrible.

steam build will happen when the game is finished, though you CAN wishlist it and get notifications as it is already "uploaded" to steam.

Subscribe on patreon and you are given download links for the current build of the game


on the 9th

Who the fuck is still supporting this game??? why are they making 6 grand a month? this game is broken and will never be fixed. it has too many issues and should be rebuilt from the ground up. that's the only way it will have a chance of working.

Thoughts on adventures of kincaid?

this game has been out since 2020 and still barely any progress....

you don't. it's completely RNG based.

how the hell do you get the axe??

Absolutely nothing was fixed. it's still a broken mess.

90% of this game is luck. it isn't fun.

I agree with kaz. game has terrible issues that haven't been fixed. animations are still janky, gameplay has FUCK TONS of issues. audio spikes, the player going completely invisible, teleporting randomly, unkillable enemies, the game freezing, the game losing connection to your mouse? (never seen that before in a game). and so many other issues.

Had a great time at the convention! are you going to be updating this version as well?

is it just more is this game slow?

the nights are WAY too long. 

it's made by a guy

nope. still a broken mess

Extremely buggy, random crashes, options do not save, supbar animation quality. an all around mess.