This was a cute horror game. With some good jumpscares and some funny ones :)
Dweeb Gaming
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I like the atmosphere but sometimes I was unsure what I should be doing. The VHS effect made reading the dialog really difficult . I wish it had more to the ending as well . I did read where it was only made in a couple days so thats impressive . Overall its a interesting game :) Your game is first and starts at 00:09
HI :) Thank you for taking the time to watch my gameplay! I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Some games with the anomaly counter will only show you the ones that you havent seen and count those at the end . Ether way I am really glad you added that and so glad that I was able to get all the anomalies ! My goal was to finally be able to sit down, peacefully, and watch the movie but nooooo lol I had to bring an axe with me :)
I was editing the gameplay and noticed all the times I missed that darn Exit sign lol omg
To be fair about the black screen , It only happened that once for me :)
The game was so much fun ! Please make more like this one !