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A member registered Jul 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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ooof...why did it erase all my progress is it erasing cookies?

(1 edit)

Haven't played this in almost a year, so I forgot how to update? using pc;

nevermind. I found an old comment that said, "if you're playing on pc or mac you don't have to worry your save won't move when you uninstall or update the game"; looks like only android has to keep the save file manually

I just hope there's stuff for the points shop...

Wait, I don't understand the license on this one. Is it the same as the others about do whatever for our project as long as not reselling individually, etc.?

New to this.  Are there a ludum dare 1 -27 somewhere? Also why are 29, 31, and 33-37 missing? What is ludum dare a monthly thing?

Makes me wonder how they feed their families or themselves.

you too, gl with future endeavors! believe it and it will happen

Random hiragana have WAAAAAAAAAAAy too much HP. 

I was actually using the map lol.

If this is RPG maker, instead of doing it all over again, you could create a parallel process event on the main map for the construction site labyrinth that checks a variable(# of player steps) that when it reaches a certain #(whatever number you think indicates someone is struggling).

Though, you'd probably need to add a few events of the plushie or something helping the player by showing the way.

 Here's a picture of example. Oh, happy new year! 

Neat game, but I gave up with the construction site. Reminds me too much of a nightmare labyrinth from etrian odyssey. with the numerous teleports.

Dayum santa was harder than K! Also no reindeer? lol Merry Christmas!

Lookin' forward to playing it! Merry Christmas all!

I don't know if the devs will read this comment, but out of several games I've spent 32+ dollars on in the last 6 months, this is one of the ones worth the price even if it is "incomplete" at the moment. It's great how you all keep at it! 

Wait so how do we save our file if we aren't using the cloud save? and we want to update? Copy a specific folder?

Ah gotcha thanks. Just got the miner I guess I'm kinda behind for them haha.

I know this is a late response, but after I updated the game I only get 2 text messages to respond to them with.  "What can I do to pass the time?", and how do I enter the castle?". I see no "work option, etc.". I guess I'm confused about how exactly we interact more with the twins since it shows the 2 hearts, underwear and then the lock.

How do I know which version I downloaded before all of these updates? Says there's  a windows and a windows 32 bit? I just recall purchasing and downloading it. Would it affect the save file somehow?