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A member registered Sep 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks again for this great plugin. If you ever get around to adding anything more to it, the only thing I wished I had throughout my development was a way to script call or plugin command a check to see whether or not an event was in the player's line of sight. That'd be sick. o/

EDIT: It took some work but I figured out how to do it. Here's how I did it in case you ever want an idea for an update --- Within your KoTCRogueLikeLoSCheck() function I added $gameVariables.setValue(1, []); at the very start of the function then added $gameVariables.value(1).push([losarray[d][0], losarray[d][1]]); within the if ($KoTCRoguelikeLoSMap[losarray[d][0]] !== undefined && $KoTCRoguelikeLoSMap[losarray[d][0]][losarray[d][1]] == 0) statement.

Lastly, inside the event that I want to know whether or not it can be seen I add this script call:

$gameVariables.setValue(2, $gameVariables.value(1).toString());

ev = $gameMap.event(this.eventId());

$gameVariables.setValue(3, []);

$gameVariables.value(3).push([ev.x, ev.y]);

$gameVariables.setValue(4, $gameVariables.value(3).toString());

Followed by a conditional branch with this script call:

If that script condition returns true, the event is in line of sight. If false, the event is in the fog.

Personally, I needed this feature to keep players from using skills and/or activating proximity triggers on events that were on the other side of a wall or behind a pillar. There's probably a better way to do it but this works for now.

I have been dying for more content like this. This particular style of battler, that FF4/FF5 type look. I mean, all of your work is pure gold but this in particular is a big deal for me. Take my money! o/

How am I only just now seeing this? Nice! I've scoured the web since I first found your work and there's just no one that hits this particular style like you do. Love it!

Hey, I had this same issue for a long time in my project. Specifically for Actor #2 for some reason. He seemed to have infinite comebacks no matter what I did, but it was working fine for other actors. Very strange bug. Oddly enough, it went away on it's own eventually. I don't know if there was a plugin conflict or what but I know the glitch you're talking about.

Hello o/

First, just wanted to say I have a couple of your plugins and I really like your work. You have some really unique stuff, and some great extensions to other plugins that I have found useful.

I especially like this plugin. It works so well for me. There is one little bug, though. I'm not sure if you are still updating this plugin or not, but there is a small problem when more than one party member dies. For example, if 3 party members die, all three have their comeback bars show up and all three will fill when you tap the button but only 1 will get up. Is there a way to make it so that either one bar pops up at a time or make it so that when a bar gets filled, it just resurrects anyone capable of a comeback? It's not super game breaking but it feels like the last little thing to really make this excellent plugin complete.

If you don't have time to work on it, I totally understand. Life gets busy. I mainly just wanted to say thanks for your hard work and I hope you do more someday!

(2 edits)

Hey Knight o/

Love your work, man. You've got some fun stuff in your plugin pile and so far each one is so lightweight on processing power, I can even use them on resource heavy mobile projects.

EDIT: My previous issue fixed itself.

Thanks again for the great plugins!

This is a very unique tileset. I like it!

I'm glad I followed your page! This is really something. You have managed to capture that old retro look but you somehow managed to give it a little more "umpf!" and grit than I've ever seen before in this style. This series is fantastic!

Love your work. So hungry for more of these! Do you think you'll ever release another set of battlers?

Haha this is a really fun idea. Cool stuff o/

(1 edit)

Have you tried Facebook Marketing yet? It's roughly $15 for 1 week of advertising (maybe for two weeks, can't remember at the moment).

You can also try submitting your game to GoG for free but they will play it and judge it worthy or unworthy. For $100 you can upload to Steam and they give it back if you make $1,000 or more in sales. Having your game on either of those marketplaces is like it's own form of passive marketing.

Right on o/

Had your profile on my favorites for awhile now and just got around to purchasing some of your work. Love it! Do you ever do comissions or custom work?