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dumb old man

A member registered Dec 08, 2019

Recent community posts

Couple of ideas: When you enter TF2, your snarks should probably change to something else TF2 themed, like how squirrels become empty vessels when P03 gets control in Inscryption. Since you can walk around the room, maybe when (if) you expand this more, you end up causing the spy to get g-man or Glad0s to come in and deal with the spy, idk.

This was really, really good. I hope you keep adding to this!

I quite liked it so I hope so

Hey, some thoughts on development: I found that if you jump under the stairs then there is a platform with an empty side that you can jump on, then a wall materializes behind you. maybe expand on that? Also, you can glitch yourself behind the fence using the stairs and then moving along the wall. Maybe put something back there?