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A member registered Nov 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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That was really fun. Level 12 and one other level were particularly tricky

The first jump scare got me pretty good. i liked the visuals a lot

Song is heat but i'm horrible at these, i always do the worst out of my friends in the fortnite festival ones or whatever it's called. But I got 420 and i'm wondering what the max score is and how bad i really did

That was pretty fun, reminds me of the game Autonauts

Finally submitted my game here
Really happy with how it turned out and it surprisingly doesn't feel like it is held together by a thread, either. I spent easily 30 hours on it, though, and admittedly got stuck on some really really stupid shit on numerous occasions. I wanted to add some more combat mechanics and spit attacks from the alpacas but I'm happy with it regardless

That's pretty fun and i like the graphics a lot

RHIT-jam-2024 community · Created a new topic Night 2

I've got a vision range boost item (carrot), a speed boost item (sugar cube), and the minigun that you can pick up and shoot with space and kill an alpaca with and collect the first cure. Still no graphics or sounds. Alpacas will attack you within a radius now.

Dreading the UI...

(1 edit)
The Alpaca movement finally working. I removed the collision after i took this video so they aren't gonna get stuck on each other like that anymore. The flashlight effect is disabled to see the movement but i still plan on using the flashlight / vision mask

You should be able to see and play my 'game' now maybe?? Let me know if it isn't displaying right, i added a check in my MapGenerator's Update function to see if the screen changed size and if so, it rebuilds the map and essentially restarts the game. I'm not really a fan of that behavior but i think i'm gonna leave it like that unless i have time to investigate later or if someone has a better idea. Here is my ugly Update function:

void Update()
{   // Updates the entire maze on screen resize. idk if this is a good fix for the resolution issue on
   int newHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(2f * cam.orthographicSize / tileGrid.transform.localScale.y);
   int newWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt(height * cam.aspect);
   if (newHeight != height || newWidth != width)
} AIjam

The weirdest thing happens with my game when i upload to, you HAVE to hit the fullscreen button before the unity loading animation ends or the game won't work right. My assumption is that it is because I am actually getting the camera on Start to figure out how to tile the grid and maybe the camera is different when not in fullscreen. Annoying but if you hit the fullscreen button fast enough you can see my maze generation done with a vision mask for the player (you might get stuck in a wall rn, just refresh). Next up is ALPACA AI. I'm putting off graphics until the end...

This is my design doc and also my TODOs and anyone can add comments if you have thoughts or suggestions

RHIT-jam-2024 community · Created a new topic My Game Idea

I'm planning on making a top-down-maze-zombie-alpaca game where you have to find the cure(s) for the zombie virus, and I want to make the maze procedurally generated and also restrict the player's vision to what the player would be able to see, so not around corners and stuff like that.

I plan on uploading the state of my game tonight and tomorrow night to to maybe get some feedback and just make sure I can upload.

Good luck, everybody!