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A member registered Sep 16, 2023

Recent community posts

I managed to do it, the last time I did it the mannequins' bodies hadn't changed color, I tried again and I noticed that the colors were changing until they were all gray like you said, thank you very much

Harleen -> Lorretta -> Sylvia -> Brittany - > Eleonora -> Gina -> Jennifer

Follow this order, is there any rule about catching the ghost or not? I interacted in order but it wasn't, is that wrong?

Follow this order, is there any rule about catching the ghost or not? I interacted in order but it wasn't

Can you give me more information about the puzzle? Is it the one with the password door? I heard that you were having some heart problems, how are things? It's going well?

I may be crazy but I think I saw some posts saying that it is possible to have sex with the asylum mannequins, if it is possible can someone tell me how please?

I'm Brazilian, I understand a little English and I even use the game to discover some new words, do you have any plans for PT-BR translation?

Tks bro

I've already recruited her, but the robot only comes with me to give me assistance, but I don't have the option to have sex with her, I wanted to know how to unlock it.

Can you send me a picture?

Nice. How do I unlock?


Good evening, I saw just now that you released version 0.2, do you happen to already have scenes with Tess?

Good evening, sorry if it's a bother but I would like to know when we will have update, is there a preview for release?

Ohh ok, I've already unlocked all the stages, but I haven't seen any conjurer or Yurei yet, that's why I asked, thank you very much

I've been trying to find a You-rei and a Conjurer for some time, but I can't find them anywhere, do they appear on any specific map?