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I was wondering what happened when I hit 30. Then I got there lol

Im such a sucker for platformers, would love to see you just endlessly add levels to this game in all honesty.

I only partially made the intro song! Most of that work though was AI since I do not have any real music knowledge. Everything else was from freesound. Thank you for playing!

There is a weird sort of melancholic bliss to this game. I feel like I understand it but I don’t. Maybe that’s the reason for it, for everyone to form their own opinion on the matter. Either way what a lovely game, I know you mentioned you want to expand it which I would love to see!

there’s a lot of absurdist philosophy in the game’s message I feel. I’m probably looking way too into it but the "hopeful nihilism" of it all is really inspiring oddly enough.

I’m conflicted in my feelings for the woman in the game. In all seriousness what an amazing use of visuals, at this point I’m playing over and over it just to surround myself with the atmosphere that feels way larger than the 2D pallet it’s limited to. 

The number of slain goblins is enough to probably put me on a list somewhere. Either way the greenskin hordes were no match for my heavy spam. I’m always a fan of RPGs so this game felt great to play. The visuals were also quite nice despite the limited UI we had to work with.

The customization is awesome! Seriously I would love to see how you implement this in later projects. Allowing the player so much choice despite the limited canvas is such a technological feat for this class. For now I will romp around in my all green world.

I really want to learn how you did the typing effect along with the text sound. It’s such a fun effect for these old retro style games. I am sad I won’t be able to talk to my squid friend again though. He seems so lonely. :((

The meta nature of this game gave my flashbacks to designing my torture chamber of damned ragdolls. They were much simpler times, and I can always appreciate a good jab at Mac OS the inferior option as ALWAYS.

the stats were a really interesting part of the gameplay. I’m curious as to how you set the random number generator or if everything really was just a random chance between 1-100. Either way I tried to max out my strength since I’ve always done that in every game I play. Really cool art too!