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A member registered Feb 03, 2023

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Same problem!

very fun, nice work!

That was fun :) 174 on my first try, no idea if that's any good. My highest-letter word was 'CHIA'.

It's a type of bird typically known for stealing shiny trinkets:

I love me a good new broughlike! Really well done. I got 60 on my first real try and really enjoyed the different combos as well as their fragility. Brilliant move to make the weapons the hitpoints.

Cool game, pretty good level design! A few small QoL-improvements would go a long way I think. Like holding down the arrow button to keep moving and some variation in the sounds.

Either way, great work!

78. Had fun, great work!

Really cool game! Got to 109 in my first ±30 minutes, really enjoying it.

Very cool concept, really inspired!

Congrats on this game, it's reallly good!

(4 edits)

Incredible. So much fun! Finished all levels except the second a̶n̶d̶ third.

Edit: Hooray I did it!