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Dual Wielded

A member registered Jul 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very neat game, especially for it being made in only 12 hours! It has a great style to it and I love the cheezy voice lines haha

It's definitely pretty difficult to finish, and that might have to do with the physics system being a little unpredictable at times, or it's just me being bad at breakout lol

Had tons of fun while playing each difficulty! It's very satisfying when things start going in the right direction and eventually overtaking the opposite team. 

The game had enough strategy to it, but wasn't overwhelming at all. 

Great job!

Nice simple game!

I sometimes randomly couldn't jump though and I found out that you can move both the camera and player by using the arrow keys, but you only move the player by using A and D. This allowed me to walk off screen and change where I could see my player on screen. Maybe next time try and write a camera-follow script and experiment with that instead of just moving the camera with the arrowkeys, since you can also hump a wall to make the camera move, but not the player or you can make the player slide down a little to move the player forward, but not the camera. 

The game can be quite difficult at some times, but I like a challenge :). Nice, cute and simple art. It's a good game for your first jam!