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A member registered Jun 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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this is so beautiful, thank you for making this <3

Just finished reading (all the ones on here, i'm going to continue reading on webtoons. Also, my non-binary ass has been looking for a name, and honestly i love the name Alkaline so much, so i'm considering taking that haha. Thanks for the representation. I have fallen in love with every single one of these characters.

Hey, I started reading this yesterday and I'm six chapters in, I love them all so much! Thanks for the ace representation, I remember a while ago I tried to write an ace character and he actually looked a lot like Joe so that's fun. Also, Toggy and Terrago remind me of these guys: 

Just with the extremely strong guy and the bundle of sunshine with blue hair and horns. Anyway, that was just a thought, lmao.

oh, also, i was wondering whether you could give me the transcript of the poem, since i would like to read it as a whole, it's okay if you don't want to but i just thought it was really beautiful

so beautiful

i wouldn't mind paying for it, so once you upload it could you please send me the link? thank you :)

Thanks for making this. This was disturbing, but still had a hopeful message at end. You did well at getting the hopelessness of depression across. <3

i meant to say *world building, oops

i've been looking for this type of game for years. i absolutely love this. the main character and the whole building are so amazing, it feels like what it feels like to be stuck in my head. i was wondering, would the soundtrack be available at any time?