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Cheshire Cat

A member registered Dec 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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All 5 levels are doable and unique. I've never been a fan of Up Arrow for Jump... Kind of always been a SPACE bar kind of guy. Took a bit to figure out that X was pick up. Which is a really cool way of using colour as a mechanic. 
Unfortunately... Ya... Nothing Explodes... Bummer.

Certainly a very charming little bunny. The dash is smooth, the bombs have a potent effect. 
I also had the problem with freezing at the bonus screen. I think it would make it easier for the user to understand the changes the bonuses have made if the bombs themselves changed as they upgraded. The area is a bit large in my opinion... That may just be me. Seem like they can lose track of the spawner. Which may be intended, but it cause for a bit of a slowdown as the enemies take a while to reach you.
All-in-all, a fine project!

I think the timing is appropriate. It forces the player to have to be extremely accurate. I just hope that Level 9 is at the end or at least near the end so that its difficulty is comparable to the player's progression. It's very well timed in my opinion. 

Ya level 9 its literally perfectly timed so you can't make a mistake and you have to go through the maze and then back. Certainly designed to be a real challenge. It's getting me to the point where I'm working on angled movement based on pressing down and left or right to save time around corners.
Considering the level of graphic emulation, all of the sprites are distinct enough for the player to interpret what everything is. Poor guy though. Looks like he lost his head running through all those bombs. Great work!

I really enjoyed this game! Using the colour and size of the Ornaments to determine its value by a base 2 power. Very 2048-esque with a the physical aspect of the ornaments making it harder to build up to the larger size. Until you get to the Blue Dog ornament! Which is much smaller in size and saves a lot of space! 
Seems really nit-picky to say but nothing explodes per say.... they combine. I appreciate how they are destroyed and re-created, but explosions are defined differently.
All-in-all, its a fabulous game, the music is catchy and Christmasy. The gameplay is addictive for people like me who are driven to see what the next combination looks like. The high-score system gives the player a goal to score higher. Well done!

Really cool concept! I like the different kinds of explosives used and how they affected the structure. Really interesting building destruction mechanics as it fractures into pieces. Not that it bothers me or anything, or maybe something isn't working on my end, but no sound?
Could definitely see further expansions of this project with a variety/ multiple buildings and more explosives to choose from.  

I just realized that Google and probably all systems are going to flag my installer as a virus. I had no idea that was going to happen, so I re-uploaded my application as build output. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.
-Cheshire Cat

I really enjoy the FPS mechanics as they are really smooth. I am not a huge fan of the grenades. Throwing them feels absolutely useless as an enemy can walk past them relatively quickly. Since you can't "cook" the nades by holding them, you have to basically throw them at your feet and get the AI to chase you over them.... Otherwise... you self-detonate near them, or sneak behind them and plant it on them. Really not how grenades are intended to be used. 
The movement and aim sense are pretty smooth, but the explosives could certainly use some work.

Would like to see what's beyond Level 2... Kept getting plenty of red platforms at the start. Certainly a lot of kinks to work out my personal best is always 0.00.00 :( Not sure if you intended to replay the audio every time a person retries a stage but it can end up sounding a bit monotonous if you're continually respawning. I found that the jumping mechanic was more useful that the explosives. Perhaps if they were on a 1 second timer so the players could maybe save themselves in mid-air with another explosion instead of a mid-air jump that would add more explosions and increase the gameplay mechanics. 
You could also add more explosive elements to the environment, like those red platforms could explode.
Health.... I don't know how you lose it. You just die. And I can't tell if you gain health when you land on a blue platform as I don't lose health when I blow myself up.
I get can certainly see a "Super Monkey-ball"-ish vision to this project. Keep working on it. I would like to see a more polished version.