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A member registered Jan 30, 2018

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(1 edit)

Not sure what to do. I have 11 scenes and am missing ten. No matter what I do I can't get the scene for the girl in the desert, the 3 outfit scenes for Fae, am missing two companions, and have never used the "talk lewd to" and it's grey (but have still sex scene for Ayla). I'm on day 92 and have tried multiple times, and outfits. plz help

Yep, no problem.

(2 edits)

When clicking full screen, Norton detects three files, SONAR.ProcHijack!g43, SONAR.ProcHijack!g45, and SONAR.ProcHijack!g47. Norton recognizes these as high risk malicious files and will delete them and the game. Based on some research, these files have a history of being trojans. However, based on the fact that the game runs just fine unless you click full screen with Norton installed, it's most likely just a harmless file that Norton deemed as having suspicious behaving code. There are instances in which this has caused other game developers trouble as well. I recommend contacting Norton and reporting it a false positive. Good game btw

Это позор. Я плохо говорю по-русски и пользуюсь гуглом.

есть ли английская версия

Will the previous version still be available to purchase once thew new version is finished?

How goes it? Any progress on the new artist or funds?

lol, thanks so much, I’m curious to see what they can do

Yes please! The one I used limited me to one pose, but the ones you made look a lot more professional and intricate. I was actually wondering if you drew them yourself or if you used a really good website for them?

This took WAAAAAY longer than it should have lol, I spent too much time messing with colors

I think she turned out alright

That's cool! I want to try now, do u know if I can get this app on my laptop? It just shows unity player 90% loaded whenever I try running it

Interesting, so my understanding is that you are creating ocs with backgrounds, and with these ocs creating your own stories. Kinda like creating a book, but improv. And you do this with other people?

lol, I don't know much about that. I've played rpgs before, but I've never heard of just rp. Would you perhaps enlighten me on the difference?

I liked the ending with Freddy the most.

I'm up, but what's an rp