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A member registered Jul 12, 2022

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yeah, ok if isn't implemented yet is ok. But for example I tried to remap the Q attack and then nothing, the new key does not do anything. Also if I use a controller I can't use any button to continue in texts

Interaction outside speaking does not work, E and F does nothing has the gym says. The timing to use F is not clear. You can't reassign the attack keys and options to interact or F and E

how do you penetrate or use your pennis with keyboard?

how do you penetrate pr use the penies with a keyboard?

I have a dumb question, how the hell do I penetrate on keyboard? I'm a bit of monkey brain here

How I can penetrate the dinos? Or how I can made them to give me a blowjob? I'm using keyboard tried a lot and can't do it.

Also it will support controllers?