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'Dro McKett

A member registered Feb 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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wideband with a few questions Chariot...

SO what say you and a partner decide to set out and bust up birds together, starting from scratch who takes on the debt for a new ship? 

Hypothetically while you're out with a partner and say, hypothetically,  a nanite swarm breaches containment and starts eating its way towards your airlock, does it activate after EACH of belter turn or just after whoever generated the threat? 

had a blast last night with a buddy and few high tier birds, keep doin what youre doin Drakes, thank you.

Can you take a loan before you go out and hit your first ship? After rolling out a belter and your own bird can you get a bit of cred from the bank for starting gear?

Carved out a place for belters to palaver, see ya'll there. 

good copy chariot and thanks for the sitrep, keep em comin.

standing by

Chariot I'm itchin for some more tales, podcatcher ran dry real fast. I been swappin my own stories with a few other belters but what became of Milo Griggs is keepin me awake at night.