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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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The "Scam" would be making the map console friendly and charging for it... Something I am not doing. So using your own argument, I am being more honest and fair not doing console maps.

I am very honest and upfront with the community. I will not and do not make console maps. It's not that I can't. In fact, you are right, it would be easy, and I would "make more money". However, in my opinion the map would have to be simplified, and all realism stripped. The rules to make mods console friendly in my opinion strip them of all realism. That and the fact that I am not in this merely for "more money" keep me from doing console maps. Every one of my maps has and always will be released to the public for free. I have never not released a map for free. It only requires patience.

Now to talk about this "culture" you reference. The culture is that everyone wants things for FREE and NOW! Very few people are willing to wait for something that's finished. They want it rushed and complain that its taking too long. But then complain when things are not perfect. This system allows those that want to help make the map better a way to get access sooner. They truly are helping find errors, mistakes and problems. They do this all within a period of weeks, something that would take me by myself 6 months to a year to complete. So, in my opinion everyone wins. 

Then I suggest you make one of those easy maps and release it for free yourself. All of my maps get released to the public for  FREE... it just requires a little patience..

It's just a mod that needs to be put in the mod folder. You don't need to do anything else. 

You'll need this mod: FS25 Default Types by ThundRFS I forgot to add it to the required mod list. Sorry

There is another version that i

It's all good brother. I had a lot going on yesterday with messages coming from hundreds of people. I see reading your message again that you were mostly positive, but my eyes focused on the "Childish" comment. I appreciate the apology and no hard feelings man. Thanks for the support and have a Merry Christmas!

I get your argument, but I have played this game since LS09 and have talked with hundreds of players of the FS franchise. I don't know a single person that doesn't play with modded tractors and equipment. If you are playing on a modded map, chances are pretty good you are also playing with modded equipment. SO.... If I pre-load the map within game starting equipment 99.9999999% of players are going sell the starting equipment and use the money generated from that sale to purchase the modded equipment they prefer..... So what's the point? How is that realistic? If you want the money, download and use Easy Dev Controls. If you want to be realistic get a loan and purchase your equipment.

Thanks buddy

I have respect for the individual modders who made each of those mods. Some of them already don't like the fact that I put them in a mod pack. This can seem disrespectful. I put them in a mod pack for your convenience, but I still want the individual modders to get credit. I will not hide those files in the same folder out of respect for them. If it's too difficult to read and follow a few instructions, then so be it... I guess some people just won't be able to play the map. Just my two cents lol

No, but make sure any folder that says "UNZIP" gets unzipped and then take any "zipped" folders inside of those downloads and place them in the mods folde

Yes but make sure you download the updated one. I just updated it tonight.

Its based on Madison County. Central Iowa

You guys do realize that I have a real life outside of making maps for you right? Childish? I can decide to release the map whenever I choose. Its childish that you feel I should release the map at a time that is only convenient for you. I have people from all over the world who want to download it. Technically its already tomorrow in parts of the world. How do you suggest I find a time that works for every time zone? If you have suggestions, I'm listening... Oh, and sad thing, I came on here to update the links but now I'm typing this instead which is taking time away from the release... but I guess its childish to respond to your comment as well. 

All my projects are released publicly when finished. This one will probably be public in January sometime.

I have 5 different ways I communicate with the community. Unfortunately, I have a real life, family and job outside of this. This isn't my full-time job, so I don't have the time to be everywhere at the same time. When I do show up, I have to deal with rude disrespectful people who demand that I be available to them like a slave at all times. Because of this I choose to interact with the community on my discord server.

Its possibly there for the train rental. I always play the game with markers and help icons off so I didnt notice them. I appreciate you telling me about them though. I will remove/move the ones I can in the next update. The field 5 one males zero sense to me as nothing I can find should be there according to the xml

Im trying to find what it belongs to. So far its been stumping me. But when I do figure it I will remove it.