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A member registered Jun 05, 2021

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It's working now, thanks for the advice.

I used the "reso" method, for those with this problem that are reading, I used 640x480 resolution, the game now doesn't lag and I can see everything now.

I remember pressing a bunch of buttons in the first rabbit dialogue in the hub because the game freezed for 5 seconds, maybe it's that freeze while button mashing that the 16:9 fullscreen problem exists.

Also, when I started reso for the first time Windows warned me that it was from a unknown author and it could be virus, you guys decide if you want to fix your game or not.

Hey Sodaraptor, I'm liking the game but something weird happened, I pressed some buttons and the game got fullscreen but not in 4:3, it lags the game a lot, do you know how to fix this?

Even downloading again doesn't fix it.