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A member registered 40 days ago · View creator page →

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Great submission, The core gameplay loop is fun and engaging. The art style is simple but unique. I really enjoyed the different levels, especially the levels which have the ground fall underneath you. I did find wanting for a dodge or someway to deal with the high amount of projectiles coming on and off screen. Otherwise great work, would love to see more!

Great submission, The core gameplay loop is fun and engaging. The art style is simple but unique. I really enjoyed the different levels, especially the levels which have the ground fall underneath you. I did find wanting for a dodge or someway to deal with the high amount of projectiles coming on and off screen. Otherwise great work, would love to see more!

The Game has been made with a lot of passion, However this game was not made during this Jams time period (3 months in the making as said in the intro + dates of So although this game has a lot of interesting and complicated ideas, it would be unjust to rated this game above any that followed the rules and spirit of the Jam.

New Version! 

Added a new Class and implemented a health system that changes total hearts depending on chosen Class