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A member registered May 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Genuinely lovely to look at. Loved the style and atmosphere.

(2 edits)

Pretty much exactly what I want from a short and simple Lovecraft game! Unexplained spookiness, cults, a slight feeling of helplessnes.

Klaatu Barada Nikto | The Restricted Archive

Walkin' around at the speed of man.
Got places to go, gotta turn out some lights.

Good! The music, trippy visuals and oppressive soundscape all felt very Lynchian. So much more polished and well put together than I was expecting. You can tell the game had an actual vision in mind as opposed to just cheap spooks.

Very fun! Small, but the pacing is good and it doesn't overstay its welcome. Short and sweet with some lovely art and music and a campy, spooky atmosphere. I particulary liked the vibrant colours. A lot of Indie horror games can look a bit muddy, but this really pops even with the limited palette.

If I have any flaws (and I don't know if I do) I'd question the inventory. It felt like it was more of an afterthought as opposed to a system with a point, the game is just too short to need it.

Definitely recommended. I'd absolutely play a series of little games like this!

I don't know if I feel good or bad about myself after this. But it was something I experienced.

I have no idea what this was ..but I enjoyed myself.

Short, sweet, spooks.

This was amazing! I think I've said this about every episode, but this was my favourite so far. It wasn't just creepy and fun, it really sucked me into the story and made me care about the characters (despite some of the silly voices I gave them..) Outstanding work. This is exactly what I love from indie games.

(Made a video about it here!)

Fun and spooky! Looked and sounded fantastic, as well. Very nice atmosphere all around.

I really enjoyed this! It was short and basic, and it created a fun atmosphere. It spooked me a couple of times as well. Considering this is a first attempt at a horror game, it's pretty good! I'd definitely check out more.

Played this on stream but had to leave after a few minutes. Wanted to come back to it for a while, and I'm really glad I did. This is very good! A step above most of the horror games I've played from here.

Interesting mechanics, genuinely spooky atmosphere, and a cool, esoteric story with some twists. I'd definitely recommend it. Took me maybe an hour to beat it, but I *am* very dumb.

This was very adorable and fun, and very different from the other stuff I've played from this dev. Just a genuinely charming time, with a little more than I would expect from a game jam game!

I would die for Herbert.

This was great! Loved the mixed gameplay styles, and it was genuinely spooky in places. I got recommended it through my Discord, and didn't know what to expect, so it was all a pleasant surprise. Extremely good for a first horror game!

This was a complete surprise to me, I went in knowing nothing, and I loved every second.It made me think deep, oily, fishy thoughts and it'll stay with me for a long time, in a strange but good way.

Seriously, it was a surprisingly effective, thought provoking thing considering you play as a weird fish that flops through a nightmarish, cronenberg-esque cum factory.

Highly, highly recommended.

This was fun! Light, short horror with a fun setting. Even went and got all the endings!

This was great, as usual! Longer than I was expecting (although I'm bad at games and wandered around a lot) genuinely creepy, and just a fun time all around.

Definitely recommended!

This was a very good time! Great atmosphere, the found footage style worked well, and I was suitably spooked throughout.

Fun! Graphics and atmosphere fit the theme well, framing was fun. I could have used a couple more episodes, but overall, good :)

Poor sheep...

This was fantastic! I went in knowing literally nothing about it, and I'm very glad I did.

Button mashing, panic, humour, all you need, really.

This was great! The graphical style really works, it's spooky and sometimes funny, it has a nice, slow build up, and the sound design really adds something.

Just recommended all round, really.

This was amazing! Thankfully not lewd (well, depending on how into squids you are.)

Funny, well acted, and somehow still a little spooky. Looking forward to trying out the sequel soon :)

This was a genuinely great time. I've been meaning to check this out for a while, since it's one of the highest rated games on the site, and I'm glad I finally did. My chat and I loved it.

I'm already looking forward to whatever comes next!

I'm so sorry for what I did to your game. Some glitches, paired with my own idiocy, made this a weird time.

Definitely had fun with it though, as usual! Recommended if you're looking to kill some time and see a dancing little man in a hazmat suit.

A fun way to spend a few minutes! Gave me SCP vibes in the stairwell, and it got me embarassingly bad with one of the scares.

This was a fun time! It went in a direction I didn't expect.

Hazy PSX graphics, spooky atmosphere, cursed burger storage. Good way to kill half an hour :)

This was extremely good! Easily one of the highest quality indie projects I've seen in a while, especially considering it's a solo project.

Genuinely scary, looks beautiful, interesting concept. I'm eagerly awaiting the full release. Very highly recommended :)

Much, much improved on the first one! I had a good time with this.

The trippier the better ;)

This was great! Love the retro graphics, love the dialogue, and the atmosphere is unsettling and fun!

Definitely recommended, and I'm looking forward to a Chapter 2 :)

I had a really fantastic time with this! It was something different, it was creepy, it was interesting. (I only got frustrated by one puzzle, which is good for me.)

Definitely recommended if you're looking for a quick, simple, point-and-click adventure with some very beautiful art.

This was fantastic! It really gave me flashbacks to playing the Thief games. The graphics and atmosphere were great, the stealth worked fine, it was spooky and tense. Just a really good time all around. I would have played a lot more.

Definitely recommended if you have 30 minutes to kill.

This was great! It really nailed the found-footage aestetic, and kept you guessing about what was going on. The story was compelling, the scares were scary. Just a good time overall :)

I enjoyed it! I didn't encounter any glitces or bugs, I though the art style worked for the setting, I liked the story, and it didn't overstay it's welcome or drag on too long.

I had a good time! Despite being truly, genuinely terrible at jumping puzzles, it was fun. I liked the atmosphere, I liked the story, I liked the nuclear goo.

Check it out if you want to kill a little time ;)

This was very, very good! Love the voice acting, love the style and the atmosphere. I may have gotten embarrassingly lost at times, but I'm pretty sure that's because I'm dumb.

Definitely check this out!

This was awesome. I felt like I was having a fever dream, and I mean that in a good way.

Like 5 minutes of weird nonsense, go check it out!

I wanted something quick and fun, and this delivered! I was expecting maybe a 4-5 minute timekiller, I got something a little different.

Good atmosphere, some genuine spooks, and some nice story beats. You should go check it out!

This was a really interesting one. It's short and simple, as you'd expect from a game jam game, but the creature designs are very unusual and cool, and it has an extremely nice atmosphere to it.

Recommended! Go check it out :)

This was a fun time! Very dark (and I mean the lighting as well as the tone) but I had a good, spooky time, and some of those jumpscares really got me.

I'd recommend it, it was a fun way to spend 20 minutes :)