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A member registered Sep 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Your game does everything it sets out to do. The color scheme you chose for the background makes the game seem like its cloudy out. If there were more original assets, they could be used to give the game even more of an identity. The font you used and the color of said font mesh well with the background

I really like the simplistic approach for this game! Not every game has to reinvent the wheel.  The color scheme and updated speed make me feel like I'm playing a futuristic version of  a timeless classic. One thing I did notice about the paddles is that they don't appear too be perfect rectangles. If you were not going for that then they work fine, but both paddle's seem to use the same sprite, which could make the game not entirely fair for the players. The dividing line goes well with the aesthetic and the text is not jarring for the player!