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A member registered 49 days ago

Recent community posts

A few update suggestions that would absolutely bring more life to the game:

- More statistics

When you go on the stats tab you only see the most wins section - however there should be more. Such examples include most runner ups, most points and most last places

- Themes

It would be nice that when a country wins the contest, the next season will be themed with that country's colours, and you can change that on customise contest along with doing your own country's one.

I'd also just really like to stress that the game doesn't exactly save, and it has completely ruined the fun from it. Please fix this ASAP.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hi there,

I just want to say 2 bugs that I found on the game (otherwise it's absolutely amazing!!!)

One bug is that after 2026 (2027 and later) the delegation gets immediately set to level 0 (except the scout). The other bug is that when you try and continue the game when you load in, it will take you to the beginning of 2024, not where you left off.

Thanks for the game!