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Dreaming Of Light

A member registered Jun 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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I don't know how the jpg files got in there, I updated it with the copy I have of the files. I assume the quality is no better though, if you can, request a refund, these were made with AI and I don't have a better version of them

excellent work!

Hi Anwynn! Feels like forever since I last got to talk to you. Hope your doing well.

damn, this is really hard. nice job though

how nice of you to share, cool 💎 gems

neat little pack 🗡good luck 🍀

wow, this is crazy but its built in feature of windows. Windows button Plus Period while typing anywhere and you can search and paste in a emoji. for example bird, if I press windows and period and type bird, I can select between... 🐦🐓🐤🐣🐥🐔🐧🦃🦅🦆🦉🕊🦢🦜🦚

Hi, you must be new to the scene of AI image generation. Yes, these are, in the cover image at the top of the post and the display image for this pack it states Midjourney v6, Midjourney, if you didn't know, is the best AI Image generator and v6 is their latest model. Hope you have a great day!

oh, neat, I was thinking more along the lines of an application where you press a hotkey and can run a search for emoji's and select the one you want. I bet there's something like that out there. If I find something like that I'll let you know

Thanks Anwynn, I like them too! You must have a really nice easy way to do emoji's, I might have to get that configured on my computer

what a cool little dragon! 

wow, how awesome! these are so cool!

very nice, lots of nice color options, great free asset!

these look great

wow, yeah, that is a good track. These are all great though. Nice job PEGGU-SENSEI

good to know, I'll check it out

you too man, you too

I would rate this highly but I must say, even though it is truly amazing music the 1 purchase license per game is wild to me, especially if I wanted to make a game, it didn't do well and I started on another, 50 each time is just too steep

Beautiful, just beautiful

that is great news, thank you so much for letting me know! I will have to give it another shot now that they changed their policy, and I hope you do get your assets out there, I'm sure creating them takes a lot of work

I've always been interested in making music but it has always been out of reach due to its steep learning curve, anyways, I found your tracks to be top notch quality

I forgot to mention, I think this is some pretty darn good music

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this post insipired me to find you a way to easily share your music, in the past when I shared music it was a bit of a pain to find a place to upload it where I could embed it to itch. looked around and found after registering you upload then click share on the file and you click embed then post the code like so

I hope you don't mind that I uploaded this track, I won't do it with any of your other music, I just wanted to show you how it works. all I did was paste the embed code it gave me into here and it did the rest

awesome music!

neat dice, never seen dice like these

I'm also curious how these were made, they look great, I would suggest making them individual files with transparent background and uploading them as a zip

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I like this, made me laugh at how absurd it is but i like it, cool bear!

I wish you luck but without samples I don't know how far this post will get

great tunes!

these look great, also, on your page Digitmania, you can't read the text because the background and text color don't mesh. Anyways, good luck in the future

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Just a thought, I can't post my assets on Unity Store because mine are AI generated, that shouldn't be a problem for you. I really wish I could because I think their store gets a ton more purchases, as long as your ok with the long entry review time, it would most likely be worth your time to make your assets available there. Whatever the case, you do amazing work, I wish you the best of luck

(5 edits)

Holy cow, these are crazy good for being 3d objects. Stunning work Whisper! I watched the whole thing in awe, I suck at art and I tried 3d modeling and found it extremely difficult. These are really something

thanks, midjourney version 6 is pretty sweet. I hope your well and are having a good year so far Anwynn, I'm having a good start to my year, just in general feel relaxed and happy.  

nice music, love the art

oh, thanks for letting me know, hope you have a great day

I like the shake effect of  the tree's

out of curiosity, what does twitch and discord ready mean?  

oh, well these are cool, very cool

neat beanies Padespanaki