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Nicholas Dewberry.

A member registered Sep 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Super cool

Hello! I'd like to use this in a game. Do you have a specific
license for this model? 

very well made. 

Super cool. Very creative and fun to play. Nice work! 

(1 edit)

Hello, my background is in UE/Godot/Unity. I've never used lua before. I just have two questions. 

1. Which of these engines have the best UI libraries/UI development components?

For example in Godot, it's really easy for me to set up good looking UIs with boxcontainers and the theming system. Is there anything similar in these engines?

2. Do any of these have anything similar to Godots signal system?

I don't like setting up boilerplate code for observer patterns and other design patterns in game engines. With godots signal system, I can send signals upward in the hierarchy and to other nodes without needing to do too much setup.  Is there something similar in any of these engines? If not, then that's not too bad - I'm able to implement it myself. 

Super cool game! There's been a lot of discussion and attempt to make games that can teach real life skills - and this is a super good example. 

Art is great (I love the feeling of hanging stuff on a wall) and the gameplay is engaging. Very nice. How long did it take to implement the level design/sandbox mode? 

How do I get this game working on scratch? I can't seem to play it. I can't shoot or deal damage to the zombies (using Zombie(1)(1).sb3)

Looks great! Love the sound effects. The tile based movement feels snappy. Good textures and art too, I can see everything pretty well.

The only thing I was confused about was the visibility (seeing through walls)- but other than that this is a pretty cool maze game. 

When making it in C++, did you need to use any big libraries/frameworks to export it to HTML/web? Very cool!

I don't like the star way of rating games. This is a really neat game prototype! 

Movement and parrying feels good, and the animations are great as well. the squish for the crouch was smart.  I also like how you did the main menu changing the font on hover. 

I would've liked to see more feedback once you parry and when you can shoot out a projectile. 

Did the enemy have infinite health? I couldn't seem to kill them. 

I'm interested in seeing more of your games! Good luck in the future. 

What was the hardest part for you? The art/programming/writing or something else? 

Thanks for the opportunity - but I feel like I wouldn't have meaningful updates until next week. I'll just keep it how it is. 

Also, are updates allowed after the jam? Im going to have some serious bugs at this current rate lol 

Just found out about this game because of the art you've published on Looks fun! Can't wait to play it. 

I also love how you're still updating this game. That's pretty cool! Now if only I could have that same level of commitment rofl 

Good afternoon.  My game will be a short RPG/VN hybrid (think of games like princess maker or long live the queen), and I'm planning on mostly using background art from opengameart and other CC licensed websites. However, some of how I want the game to have a very specific visual look and feel - and I was curious if I could use AI art in a few places. This would directly impact the "presentation" portion of review. 

I don't want to veer off into weird territory, as AI generated/copyrighted anything is usually a no-go for most game jams, and I can understand why.  I will be happy either way. If I can't use it, I'll just have to get creative. 

Nice! this game was pretty fun to play. I'm interested in playing more!

(1 edit)

Very good. Can't believe this came out in 2015, feels like forever ago. 

Nice concept and execution

A couple of jams ago, I exported to html using godot 4. I didn't have any problems with it, and everything worked well. This is the tutorial I followed: 


1. my game was entirely 2d

2. I only used basic animations

3. Nothing about my code was particularly resource intensive

Your mileage may very, but it worked for me. 

Really cool, love the concept and execution.