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DraynaRue Games

A member registered Aug 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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I deleted the registry key and reloaded the game. The controls appear to have reset to default.

(2 edits)

OK so -resetPrefs worked as intended. It didn't reset the controls but I've set them to what I believe to be the default controls.

Great Game! My only problems are that I screwed up the controls and don't know how the heck I'm supposed to reset them. I've deleted and redownloaded the game several times but somehow the game still uses my modified controls. The other issue is with the FAQ. What do you mean by "If you pass -resetPrefs as a command line argument to NoMariosSky.exe then you'll restart at World 1-1"? I've already tried running -resetPrefs in the CMD in the same location as NoMariosSky.exe but it doesn't work "'-resetPrefs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.".