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A member registered Jun 17, 2021

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The guy was making $24 a month.  i'd quit too.

(8 edits)

Well not sure about your online dating experience, but mine was great.  Been together for 5 years and counting.  Plus she looks amazing.  You know how you weed out traps?  You video call for your conversations.  Using any of the many apps and websites in 2022.  But good luck either way you do it.   There's no shame whatsoever in being down.  We all go through it.  Just don't stay down   Try to build yourself up slowly with character, skills and knowledge until you meet her.  

People are creating their own careers , being their own boss,  everyday online.   Also i promise you, beating yourself up is the best way to never ever have the life that you want.  Girls like confidence.  Also try dating online.  It's infinitely easier.   Especially for introverts.