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A member registered Sep 03, 2021

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This game....... where to begin

The real world (in game) is great, lots of humour and relationship building. I don't have words, it's great.

THEN you have Eternum, every time you dive into one of the game worlds, you feel like you want to explore everything, see everything, and I couldn't help but have my mind running a mile a minute trying to think on every single thing anyone said. I LOVE THIS GAME

while I was playing I totally guessed who owned dione almost as soon as I met them

I can only hope this game lasts more than just 10 updates with how fast you released 0.2 after 0.1 because if that's how fast you work this game will be finished in less than 2 years and this is a game that so far, I never want to end because it is a work of art

Keep up the good work man, because this is a masterpiece

I agree with everything this guy said, however as much as I loved the previous game, this easily has the chance to be so much better already.

One thing to think on though, with the ambush on the guy in the dungeon, after my first playthrough I went back and attacked early to see what would happen, the way it plays out doing so should have saved her armor as I did it before he destroyed it, so for continuity change the scene so she still gets hit, or change it so you can save her armorial, maybe giving her an advantage when she goes after the second brother which could lead to a reason for the #1 player to not ignore you when you try to leave

Up to you, just a few suggestions as I already love the game