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A member registered Apr 20, 2020

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A relatively minor glitch.  I have her at 10, but the activity is still possible. 

Yes, the massage text for the work in progress scene.  At the end of the sequence, I get teleported into one of the changing tents.  Her points go up, but the sequence doesn't count as finished.  The debug area doesn't not give us an option to advance her story.

As far as Hitomi, each time you have an encounter, your relationship goes up a point.  Once she's at 6, you can invite her to your living room for sex.

Has anyone else run into a glitch with the principal in 0.27?

The Patreon page says May.

$10+ Patrons - Alpha 0.28 - 3rd of May
$7+ Patrons - Alpha 0.28 - 10th of May
$5+ Patrons - Alpha 0.28 - 14th of May
$3+ Patrons - Alpha 0.28 - 17th of May
Free Public - Alpha 0.27 - 17th of May