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Thank you for your comment, I say it and repeat it, don't worry about the tag, my whole story carries a continuity, here you are the protagonist, all the other characters are secondary, but you will decide how your story and theirs, many more characters are yet to appear, both men and women, my goal is for you to love some and hate others so you can decide which characters will be by your side. But I need to create a story for each of them, this is not a comedy, it has it and will have it, it's a dark story, don't let your character be corrupted in your adventure and you can avoid all that content you don't want to see. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate them 😉

I respect that, but don't worry. It's just one episode; there's still a lot to show. You haven't seen how the story unfolds yet

Well, let me explain. I'm new to this, and let me tell you my point. My goal is for each character to have a story. As you may have noticed, there are already 11 characters, will there be more? Of course, let me give you an example.

If I introduce a character who is a  rapist but you don't know it, and I add a scene for you to discover it, would you become friends with him?

Perhaps you wouldn't, because you could put those 4 girls you met in danger, right?

But maybe someone else would think differently and believe that being his friend could bring benefits.

That's your decision to make

But everything you do will have consequences in the following chapters.

It will have a little bit of everything, but I will update and add more as I roll them out.