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A member registered Sep 07, 2021

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Looks like a great game, but i aint setting up a paypal just for this

Needs more updates

Dude, this music is awesome! Could you release it somewhere, like youtube, please so i can jam to it?

(6 edits)

A fun game for sure! Fun mechanics. But it is severely lacking in some much needed flavor text. Who are the characters? Why should I care? Who are the monsters? I don't even know what monster the archer is supposed to be. Why are we even on this quest in the first place? It just saps a lot of fun when there is seemingly no motive. Even just a sentence or two of flavor text in some places would make this game infinitely better. If you don't want to write or dont like to write, I could do it and you could just implement it! That would be great.

(1 edit)

Been a long time since the last devlog. Hopefully this game is still being worked on.

also i played through the game, and to be honest it is a pretty nice game, but it is lacking some challenge and variety. Like maybe having to reload intermittently or something? Mindlessly spamming snowmen is fun, but it does get old after a while.

Has very good artwork and the potential to be a good game, but currently it is lacking some serious player agency. All i do is wave a spaceship around, i dont even have control over when it fires, making it become quite dull quite fast.

Fun enough game and has so much potential to be truly amazing, but it is also really freaking hard and for some reason it won't let me play the mini games? They just glitch out and then put me back into the space one again? Which is a bummer.

Great game, but far less great since you changed the graphics. Please change them back!