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A member registered May 21, 2023

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I went back and got the best ending for the Sofia route! 

It didn't require nearly as many horrible things as I expected.  I made some pretty significant mistakes in my first run, and simply fixing them was enough to bring me very close to victory.  There was one choice that hurt, because I almost certainly could have won without compromising my ethics.  But when I thought about it, would my character have been willing to take that chance?  Would I want to sacrifice my happiness, and the happiness of the people I love, for a stranger? 

It was not pleasant, but I don't regret my decision.  And while the Sofia route could be difficult and painful at times, that only made the ending more satisfying.  Thank you!

I just completed the Leopold route, and I have to say it was oddly relaxing.  

With Sofia, I felt like she was the voice of morality, and I was the one doing ugly things for the sake of survival.  When I was working with Leopold, I could be the angel on his shoulder holding back his worst nature.  

I think I'll go back to try Sofia again at some point.  I probably won't attempt the Guillaume route; Sofia and Leopold are both very wholesome, despite the difficult situation we're in, while Guillaume's treatment of his wife is just awful. 

I recently finished Sofia's route, and I appreciate your relationship writing.

Even with the best intentions in the world, there are real problems with marrying outside your class.  In a traditional society where duty to your family is considered sacred, it isn't easy to go against expectations.  And the people who love you are not always willing to listen.  

Also, you are a monster.  I didn't overthrow the king, and I suspect that I wasn't ruthless enough.  I didn't want to destroy reputations to save myself, and I kept trying to go for the lesser evil.  Even people who are genuinely awful, like the Princess, had moments of real vulnerability.  You had me earn their trust, and then you asked me to betray them! 

That will work!

The character writing is absolutely delightful.  Even the characters that I never spent much time with had distinct personalities, and I am impressed by your ability to write witty banter.  Even when the two main princess candidates are pretending to be brainless, they're remarkably clever about it.

The story was extremely wholesome and kind.  Well done!

I enjoyed the first route, but now I can't play any others.  

It feels like I would be abandoning Sofia to make an awful political marriage.