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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I like the display on the screens. It was definitely unique from other games in the class. Although the controls on the screen were cool, maybe you could have reduced them a little bit because they do take up a lot of the screen. The game was visually appealing and I liked the color choices. Nice job :)

The aesthetics of this game! This game is the definition of "sometimes less is more". I love the minimal design and the consistency between the levels. The color choice, the font style and backgrounds just really elevated the game.Loved the idea of the portal! Overall great job.

(1 edit)

This game was really cute. The animations kind of remind me of a game I used to play when I was younger and honestly, I think a game like this would have huge success in the game market. There were some little details in the game that just tied your whole vision together. The game was really in-depth and also very easy to play. I say it was a job well done.

This game was so unique from the other games we saw in class which is so cool. I think the animations could have been improved a little bit. Maybe The animations could have been moving or honestly just less pixelated. Besides that I thought the game was fun. I like text based games and so when I found out that's what you all were making I got so excited because I spent a lot of time playing "Episode" as a teenager.

I thought your game was nice and the graphics were really well done. I found that the platforms were moving a bit fast in some instances. Although some people made comments about the background I think it was cool. It kind of feels like you are inside a warehouse or something of that nature... if that makes sense. Overall great job and Im glad you guys made the decision to go finish up a past project!

I really like this game however I feel like the world was a little too big... It felt endless almost. The overall aesthetic of the game was really nice but I do feel that the levels could have been scaled down a bit more to make it seem less "endless" Overall nice game. Challenging but definitely fun!

I am impressed!!! This game was really well done and it is evident that a lot of time and effort was put into this. Besides the UI for the text being a little too small in some instances I thought the game was great.

This game was really great wow! The background music choice and the dog character was excellent. The color choice was also very nice; I liked the earthy feel to this game. I had a few issues with the clicking navigation but Im not sure if this was a universal problem for others. Overall great game.

I worked on this game :)

If we had more time we would make enemies that can fly, add sprites and assets to the platforms and create a big boss at the end. I had a lot of fun making this game and it was cool to explore the idea of a sleep walker. :)

Wow, I must say this is really impressive! There is not much I can pick out to change/improve with this project which tells you how good this was. Maybe a suggestion I would have would be to probably change the background with stars to something a little less intense and distracting. Great job!

I like this game, however, I feel like adding more assets/sprites to the platforms and background would bring out the beauty of the game a lot more. The theme is really nice (Who doesn't love space cowboys!?). Nice Job.

This game was really cute. I liked the sprite work. I do feel that the game was a bit confusing though. Like in some instances when the snowball would change to a popsicle I wondered why. I think an area of improvement would be in the player's movement. I think there were some gaps that could be filled in this game but overall I loved the concept.

I like the game universe a lot. IT was really large and I think it added to the aesthetic and feel of the game. Although the sprite work was good, I think that there are still some areas where it could have been improved.

I had a great time playing this game. It is very user friendly. 

This game was very well thought out. I appreciate how much effort was probably taken to create such really nice sprites. The story narrative of the game was genius and I like how the game flowed overall. The game was very easy to play except I think some of items could have been a bit larger but I think the game was great.

This game was really nice. I liked the graphics and the overall feel of the game. The sounds added to the game make me feel like Im actually in there. It was clear that a lot of thought was put into its creation. I like the fact that the ninja has different forms of attacks as well. What a really polished game!