it looks like you cant bank dice income like the original game. a great late game strat is to keep all your stacks full for defense. to do that you lose 0-7 income since theres overflow. you should be able to bank at least 8 dice. i also suggest an option to remove the dice animation to speed things up, but its pretty snappy as is. great job with this!
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the build i been using is scythe => upgrade machete fully (doing even upgrades) => auto machete => saw => upgrade saw starting with cheapest. and getting axe either before auto or before saw.
i noticed the saw taking only 3 seconds. i was amazed and counted off the time. i thought i didnt upgrade it but maybe i did. i started over and tried to recreate and couldnt with saw at max speed, tho i noticed scythe only taking 1.5 seconds and i didnt upgrade speed (it said 100 to upg). i sense its the auto causing a bug or just speeding everything up except the machete seems to be on time with 2 hits per second.
dice are randomly distributed
you have to wait for inside territories to max out before they contribute to front. it slows growth, as designed.
[income] based on the largest collection of tiles
this encourages splitting enemy apart. the best way to win late game or do some damage. altho it does suck trying to suicide errant territories early game. youre describing such a different game. check my top level comment. cheers.