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A member registered Sep 03, 2021

Recent community posts

just use a custom icon

then ima just host a private server

i redownloaded it and its still the same the home button and leaderboard wont show up until i reset and the menu button has the same spot as the leave button in 2012M and 2013E wont start at all it would just give me a error that says ''The System cannot find the specified file''

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2012 is kinda broken because the menu button has the same spot as the leave button and the leaderboard wont show up until i reset and 2013 wont start up at all i would just get a error do i need to install some kind of dependency?

skateboards got fixed in the new update

i dont have any

i posted this because i wanted a robloxian 2.0 bundle i've tried using a novetus modpack that had the robloxian 2.0 bundle but that one didn't work so im just asking if there can be a robloxian 2.0 bundle. 

just wondering if there could be a chat for play solo

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doesnt work

rip whitty on gamebanana but on hes still alive

go get some money and buy it


wht is this menu pixelated


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oooooo scary

because of these comments im not gonna download it cuz i know there is some trojans in there

im using winrar so i can use this lol

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the logo is cool now i can see the blue haired suffer :D