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A member registered Dec 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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yeah, i agree. i should have made it more clear and i knew about the alt tabbing issue but i had no clue how to fix it. Thanks for playing!

ah, ok thank you i had no clue that was happening!

hi, thanks for trying to play my game. i probably should have made the mechanic needed for the first level clearer, my fault. The commands aren’t supposed to overlap so, thats a bug, oof. I’m not sure what you’re talking about with the settings menu? I know the music is bugged but I can’t seem to fix it. Is there some other bug there? thanks, again!

thanks so much! i had no idea about that bug!


hello, thanks to some feedback i’ve gotten i have added an extra 3 levels and made some minor tweaks. thank you so much for the feedback!

its really fun, although the player moves a bit too slow and i think the physics seem a bit rough but i’m not sure. still it’s super fun!

thanks for the feedback! I’ve put a new build with yours and a few other’s suggestions. Thank you so much for playing my game and providing feedback!

damn i kinda broke my project file and lost half the game… try and fix it and update the game with new songs and a volume changer.