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A member registered Apr 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Haha yes, I did not have the time to adequately playtest, unfortunately. I had to submit it more like an early draft concept.

However thank you for the thorough review!

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Yes :) At least in this version. How to handle blessings in battles is something Im currently tinkering with.

This looks so very slick. A faction I think veterans will appreciate very much. That midnight phase is so good, both in theme and gameplay. Really makes the faction pop. Looking forward to the updates.

Thanks! Yes I wanted the faction to facilitate  complicated relationships with other players.

Blessings flip face-up again after scoring during evening in the goodwill step.

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Thanks man, really appreciate that. I spent some time on your faction as well. It rocks. The mechanics and theme interweave so well, and I love the idea of traveling band of warrior minstrels . I have a little  write up I’ll post later 

I recently updated TTS, so not sure which version you played. However, with the version submitted to RootJam, you  cannot force a battle against an enemy that has a blessed warrior in that clearing.

In the newest version you can, which allows a bit more machiavellian shenanigans. Still not sure if i’ll keep it that way.

Link to a useful BGG thread that goes over a lot of Force rules cases.

Thanks, appreciate that. Credit to the the original illustrator of the axolotl character by weird_doodle at reddit.