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A member registered Apr 01, 2022

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If Florencia is the master of the Vault then I think it is her and/or Benson.  Regardless...i think it is whoever the master is.

I think this entire trip was to test Morphic Resonance and the vault.  Benson is loyal to the Hammond family and while most of the time is 100% loyal to Oswin, we just learned very valuable information that the ladder he follows is determined by a heirarchy, to which Oswin is not first.

We know that from the Oswin/Benson deaths, both of them were likely betrayed by the same person, and it keeps hinting that it is someone in Os' family (or at the very least he knows personally).

We also know that Thanatos only follows the commands of whoever the master of the vault is.  Thanatos does not care who dies in the process.

Are you stuck on a Day, or do you keep having bad endings?

All of the bad endings so far can be avoided by inputting the correct password and making the choice to not reveal oz.

All of the CGs in the gallery are obtainable right now.

I also downloaded the Public version, and I had access to a Day 21.  This was only available on the failed Password route.

I have only done one character's path (Sal's), but have not tried the other character paths.

and to confirm the validity of this without saying too much... There is a knock at the front door and Dave answers it.