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Doctor Cobbley

A member registered Jun 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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I made a second episode since the first one did so well, this has been the first game in a while that i really enjoyed recording and playing. Thanks for making such a stupidly fun game!

Here ya guys go. I really enjoyed playing this!! Its a super fun game with a very original idea of combat and movement mechanics. Its simplistic music gives me the nostalgia of playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess when i got it on the Wii in the 5th grade. Great job, and continue with the great work.

-Doctor Cobbley

Thanks a bunch guys!

Hi could y'all tell me what is the games playtime? I wanna record this for my YT channel because it looks super fun but I don't want to make it too long of a series

I will definitely share if I decide to make a vid out of it. It looks super interesting and cool!!

Hey guys could you tell me the system requierments to play this smoothly. because this looks like a very beautiful game, i wanna record this and put it on YT but i want to make sure my potato pc will run it smooth enough so it wont look like a power point presentation. Thanks