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A member registered Nov 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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A series of opening WTF moments quickly turned into a really fun and surprisingly inventive experience.  I am usually a skeptic of new SOM made games, often thinking to myself 'what else is there to do with this engine that could possibly be worth me playing it?'  Well the answer is REgret, in a nutshell, a game like I've never really played before using the SOM tool.

The game is, at bare minimum, an extremely abstract take on the world of the original King's Field, yet within its rather short script, npc interactions and delivery of the lore, it all actually fits within the canon of the original universe.  Well done to Verdite Cat for doing the research and having the knowledge to make this story make sense in the land of King's Field.

Worth a playthrough (or two hint hint) for anyone that enjoys a little brain teaser and an adventure in to the mind of a medieval warrior on LSD.  

I honestly hope you continue to develop this game or others similar to it, i will play them all happily.
