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D. Moonfire

A member registered Jul 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Lovely game, it will take me a few tries to get through it. I did have a graphical problem with the screen because I have an ultrawide (3440x1440) and your scanlines graphics don’t quite go far enough so I occasionally got hung up on the right border of that.

I did miss a few of the side doors because they weren’t obvious to me.

I thought the controls were really smooth (using a controller) though I couldn’t select settings when I first went into the game (I had to use the keyboard to get there).

Fun boss fights, ramped up rather quickly. I’ll beat the boss, but a fun loss.

A cute little game, thank you. I liked it a lot and I though the characters were adorable.

I really like the idea of having quests in the inventory, it is nice since I have a terrible memory.

(I think I was unable to finish it though because I accidentally delivered two bundles of wood to the Bakery before Archibold).