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Dima Beskrestnov

A member registered Aug 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Thank You for the game.
It’s quite polished allready! UI stuff is more of a nuance, rather than deal-breaker.
Speaking about resource management, it is indeed the main gameplay and should not be automatized.
However assignment of new workers to the gold production was tedious task, which I had to repeat every turn.
This specific aspect can be auto as some checkbox option, for example.

Fantasy World community · Created a new topic Review

The game is unexpectedly well polished for such a random one, with a neat pixel art and catchy old school fantasy soundtrack. The game design is unfortunately lacking and basically boils down to skipping turns while economy numbers go up.

I failed to find any reason to explore the map and didn’t quite get how empire borders system work. Battles are definitely can be improved with a little bit more control in player hands. UI also could be better, without need for constant clicking through several windows, while all required info can perfectly fit into a single screen. The tedious task of assigning new workers every turn should be automatized. The UI slider is unexpectedly unhandy and instead of just setting a value allows only to add or subtract some part of it, which is annoying as hell.

Overall, the game feels like a product of love, which has potential to be great considering attention and work done, but requires some thorough playtesting.