loaf - defeat the 7 loafbearer minibosses around the map (loafrick, the loafed, morloaf, the loaf king, rennaloaf, queen of the full loaf, loafscourge loafdahn, maloafia, blade of miquelloaf, ryloaf, lord of loafdemy, moaf, lord of boaf. queen lofika of the golden loaf.)
pichu - collect the three engines and start the pika cascade.
pouka - find fishy and help her climb the waterfall.
totoro - host the dinner party at ristorante mymelo.
chiyo-dad - find his missing baseball.
kojima & metal gear - find the 5 snatchers in the mirror world.
hat man - obtain the magatama beads.
the three wise cats - defeat the battle tower.
mymelo - defeat the kuromi 5 minibosses (wanmi, konmi, chumi, nyanmi, baku)