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A member registered Sep 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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what has he done ?

keep the camera lock on his camera

could you give a good cheat engine ? because i kinda dont want to restart everything from the begining ^^'

oh okay, thanks for awnsering

I was typing random things (Normal), then i had the idea to type "your mom" (for fun) , when it said "No u" i tought of "why not saying "no u" back" and when i did, it crashed? is is it normal or its a bug ?

only 1 suggestion
well its because i want to
prob appearance from the game Changed
Like Dr.k , Lin or anything with Changed

game really scary and funny with the monkee
but speaking of monkee
why dosent he have the same voice as every youtuber
mine is french woman voice
how can i fix this ? ^^'

ok, and how do i join it ?

what discord ?


i want to play the game

But im bad at math

What is the password ?

everyone is an astraunots , but not the impostor , its a alien 
i say that with the tongue kill in mind

i read but im not sure for innersloth , and i dont really like your idea but , its seem a lil bit cool

why not a chat for the impostor when there are 2 or 3 impostor (and maybe can read ghost chat)

Good idea

Its a god damn good idea , i want it too , like that i can find back some good old friends

what it will do ?

when will the account thing and the new map will be available for the beta test ?
and if you can
can you do that we can change controller please , cuz i have a azerty keyboard

dont worry , i can wait a long time if you want , but the keyboard thing , i need cuz , its boring to play with the arrow to move

see ya for the update :)