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A member registered May 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Here's Nevyn guiding a game of Little Wolves with CULT.EXE!
🐾 In part one, we meet the werewolves and the danger that's threatening Feyroot.

I loved to imagine little creatures running around as a child. :) I can't wait to see them!!

Send us an email! hello(at)dinoberrypress(dot)com. :)

Thank you! I appreciate it!! Would love to hear how the games go. It's a lot of fun to hear what people decide to fill in the blanks with. 😆

🦖💕 Thank you so much!!

Look at those sassy lil toes. They're sneaking up to take all the soup!!

Thank you!!! 🐸✨

I didn't intend for them all to be representatives of a single species but I love the idea! Here's a rough list of what I referenced as I was drawing them: Parasols, Honey Fungus, Enoki, Bleeding Tooth Fungus, Bridal Veil, Inky Caps, Blue Pinkgill, Wood Blewit, Chanterelle, Fly Agaric, Morchella.

I think some of them could be colored in one way or another to represent a different real world mushroom. Can't wait to see what you come up with if you do use em!

Thank you!! 🍄💕

I'm so happy to hear it!! Thank you for sharing your sprouts, I love all of them!

Yes! That's fine. Thank you for reaching out, I'll be able to make a note to include you when those coupons are sent out. :)

Hello! There is no player limit. I'd recommend trying your first game with anywhere between 2 - 5 players if you're unsure, but you can have as many players as you want!

Thank you so much! We are actually working on getting it printed after I finish up working on Justicar.  😁

Following Speak The Sky's example, here's another twitter playthrough! :)

Had a lot of fun with this!