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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Excellent vibes. I feel like I'm using a ship from old hard science fiction where I have to be constantly pressing buttons, making calculations and such in my head instead of having some wild space battle with turrets and the like. Not being able to see what's happening out there, and having to rely on a narrator is very Iron-lung like, I appreciate that approach, letting the mystery of what's being seen by someone else/unseen by you be the horror.


I've noticed that occasionally as soon as I hit the second light (In enemy sights), it jumps to number 3 right away and I have a split second before I'm just dead. The tutorial has multiple spots that all play the same audio, and while it contains some of the pieces, I wish I didn't have to listen to the "See these three lights up in the corner?" Spiel on each one, you feel me?But yeah, overall that's something I'd shell out a few bucks for, and being able to nab for free is just icing on the cake (I spent $5 on it anyways)