Please fix the download system you have set up, I paid the $10 price several patches ago and the last two patches have not allowed me to download the most recent version.
Recent community posts
Is there a way to solve the ongoing issue of previous saves not working with the new versions? Or perhaps an additional 'cheat' option that also skips past having bought the items/feminized the landlord/done the conversations to unlock favours; because as it is currently, each new update at the very least requires that you create a whole new save file to get the new scenes to work properly which means a fair bit of wasted time repeating old content. Great work otherwise!
You need to wash dishes in the kitchen, eventually it will give a message showing that you can initiate a new scene. Every character from the looks of it will work that way: do favours for them/talk to them to progress the storyline and increase their relationship with you, and then you unlock their next scene