You made a really good short game.
I made a really bad video about it. Hope you like it!
I enjoyed the puzzles in this game so much that I decided to make a video about it. Hope you like it.
This game scare the hell out of me. I like it.
Hope you like the video I made.
Finally, this is what being a shark is all about.
I made a video playing your game
hope you like it.
Long live the shaggy memes
I liked the atmosphere and graphics look nice.
Sorry for skipping the story, I didn't know I had to read the books, my bad
Pretty much a perfect game.
I really like your game, great music and definitely a ton of fun.
Sorry for the crappy thumbnail.
I have no idea what your game is about... But I really liked, it creep me out like such few games have done.
Hope you don't mind me making a terrible video about it.
I screamed like a little girl.
Good game.
I like coffee.
I like games.
Someone makes game about coffee.
I make shitty video about this game.
Will the person who created this game like my video?
I really like your game.
It creep the hell out of me.
I made a terrible video about it, hope you like it.
haha you know it's not!
No problem man, it is a ton of fun.
I was legit scared.
I know the thumbnail is crap.