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A member registered May 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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That one is really good. Reminds me of "The Last Door". Not sure i am a fan of the taking notes feature, but at least it makes me pay more attention to the text.

Good Job to you and Samantha. I wanted to grab her for my game, but someone else got her first :P

I shit in my pants when that ghost appeared. Unfortunately i didn´t understand how to return any of te books to their shelves.

Mark of Rogues for me. Thief in space.

Its good, it gives me the danger vibes. Played up to purchasing my first weapon and finishing off a couple foes.

Movement: WASD

Attack: "J" or Left mouse click

Both HTML and offline version available.

"Baby after the Supper"

But to be real i´d rather stick with "Chaos Mane" and play a demon that eats other demons. Let´s see how i can make this happen.