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A member registered Mar 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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So i um played the game for the third time and got to Blake's route at the poem making with Rico and apparently i put the word tiddies at the lyric..

Not only did @llonely put an answer on Rico complaining about my choice but Jaylene as well commented on it! Hahahah i cried 🤣.

@llonely you're trolling us haha you're fantastic and just by me playing the game 3 times indicates it's greatness <3

Yea that's it i had to say it. Bye :')

Hi..can u help me with bae's bad end? I did all the choices bad and she kills me at the end:( that's not a bad end tho cuz the credits don't appear...can u respond with the choices numbered down? Thx:((

Hi um,how did u get bae's bad end? I can't do it even by choosing the bad choices..

oh no its okey i think i got it and its going wonderful! the new version is unexplicably superior

im trying to download the newest version and the 1.0 files come up instead of the there a bug to this? what can i do? it keep downloading the same one each time

thanks for your help in advance