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A member registered Oct 31, 2016

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(2 edits)

I dunno the complete design plan for this so I will only speak to the 60 minutes I spent playing and testing. Keep in mind I have not been active in a game dev capacity for almost a decade now, and I dunno the assets allocated or scope of project, so while this might sound harsh in some parts, I do intend this feedback with great respect to the effort and dev(s).

Aesthetics are good, visuals tie together well and overall nothing seems to stand out. Particles could use more adjustment, definitely some optimization to be had but that can come later. Nice work on the UI, stands out and manages to be immersive at the same time.

Sound design is serviceable regarding BGM and in-combat noise, however definitely need to focus on touching up User Experience regarding player actions (running dry, pickup energy, ability cooldown etc.)

The shown abilities definitely seem fun, however more refinement of the core combat mechanics and polish needs to be done before I want to even attempt to discuss balance or ideas.

The CORE mechanics of an FPS game definitely need work and tuning. Character movement, while fun, is not fluid. Trying to combine ability use with mobility is frustrating. The act of looking around and trying to transition between ADS and point shooting feels very clumsy, to the point I gave up entirely trying to aim using sights. The aim system has the same level of "free float" and pacing that mil-sim or tac-sim games like ARMA or Ready Or Not have, however the game feels and presents like a style action shooter. It also has the recoil impulse values of a sim shooter.  It has promise, but focusing on nailing down the feel of the game and its shooting style would be the priority fix in my opinion. 

The core concept is there, and as a vertical slice I find the game perfect for presenting the "feel" of the project. Excellent work on that front.


- dilydaly

P.S - there were a buncha UI and hard script break bugs I found, but honestly not important enough to post about. DM if ya want em.