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A member registered Aug 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I enjoy the game so far with what I have played, my only question is "why are movies a one time use item that costs as extreme a price?" It's absurd the price to pay for a movie to only use it one time, it's like RedBox but 1000x the price... it's understandable that there has to be a limit to what you can accomplish and how fast but seriously? Make the income lower, make the purchase a permanent purchase (even still it's an outrageous price), lower the cost of a one time use item... there's a few tweaks that should be made, regardless of how unlike reality the game is, prices shouldn't be as if we were in year 4000 price inflation. Thats my rant for your pricing. The game is good, the image quality is great, the story has a lot going for it but with the price of items and the lack of better pay is outright absurd. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my bs...

I actually think this would be a nice added feature to one of the abilities 👍🏻👍🏻